Art Classes-Fees
Art Classes for Children and Teens-32 Classes
- Tuition fee-$720
- Supply fee-$20
- Total=$740
- At registration you are paying the first and last month’s tuition fees and the supply fee ($180).
- Your remaining tuition fee for 32 classes is then paid monthly. A tuition payment of $80 is due the first week of each month. Your first tuition payment is due in October. Tuition and payments do not correspond to the number of days in the month but the total number of classes.
- You also have the option to pay the total fees for the year at registration.
- The Art 2-3 class is longer at 1.5 hours and the fees are slightly more. Tuition is $925 for the year (32 classes). First fees ($230) covers 2 months plus a supply fee. Payments are $99 per month.
- Student Absences: Students may make-up classes by arranging a class time during the week other than their regularly scheduled class. The teacher will arrange for the student to attend another weekly class time. Two make-up weeks are also added to the end of the year in May.
Art for Children-16 classes
- Fees for 1 semester of one hour classes for children
- Tuition fee-$360
- Supply fee-$10
- Total=$370
- Payments may be made by the month, but the first and last month’s fees and supply fee are due before the first class.
Private Classes
- Private classes are for any age from children to adults. These classes give you a choice of any medium such as oil painting, acrylic, colored pencil, pastel, etc) Please let me know if you are interested in a private class and I will make arrangements for meeting on your best day and time.

Colored Pencil Blending
Blended Colored Pencil DrawingArt Classes Draw and Paint Drawing and Mixed Media 2 Intermediate Intermediate 2 Intermediate 2/Art 1 Art 1 Art 2-3 Art 3 Adult Art Classes Summer Art Classes Get In TouchEmail [email protected]

Greek Pottery 9-12 years
Greek pottery, Intermediate Art using acrylic paint, paper, and paint pens.Art Classes Draw and Paint Drawing and Mixed Media 2 Intermediate Intermediate 2 Intermediate 2/Art 1 Art 1 Art 2-3 Art 3 Adult Art Classes Summer Art Classes Get In TouchEmail...

Peacock 6-8 years

Horses in Pastel
Art 2 pastel on paper

Pencils Transformed
Art 1 class Art Classes Draw and Paint Drawing and Mixed Media 2 Intermediate Intermediate 2 Intermediate 2/Art 1 Art 1 Art 2-3 Art 3 Adult Art Classes Summer Art Classes Get In TouchEmail [email protected]